Thursday, September 30, 2010

27 Undesirable Things

27 Things That You Can Hate About Her

  1. She spends a lot; Sometimes even TOO much.
  2. She doesn't do household chores.
  3. She's a very emotional little girl! Her mood swings are crazy.
  4. Her Attention Span is short, she cannot keep still.
  5. She easily gets distracted, leading to ignorance. Like if you're talking to her and another person asks her to go somewhere, she leaves you without a good bye.
  6. She easily gets bored!
  7. She is very inconsistent with everything. She starts on something and usually ends up not finishing it.
  8. She loves to eat but doesn't want to get fat! So she gets depressed when she is chubby!
  9. Doesn't really take initiative. She needs all the details she can get!
  10. A perfectionist.
  11. Sensitive about her own feelings - sometimes too much.
  12. Gets easily attracted, easily dis attracted too.
  13. Whines.
  14. Acts like a child
  15. When you're irritated, sometimes she gets irritated too! So you both will end up arguing!
  16. Mixes up information.
  17. Can't really follow instructions
  18. Decisions are mostly based on emotions.
  19. Complains a lot
  20. Insensitive about other's feelings
  21. Would get what she wants even if it means stepping on others.
  22. You don't know when she pretends & when she really is naive.
  23. Does things the easy way out.
  24. A woman of great compromise
  25. Changes her mind a lot.
  26. Doesn't know what she wants.
  27. Can be bossy.

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