Monday, November 14, 2011

A Girl, a Girl Artist

Isn't it quite a bit hard being a girl?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I like being a girl, it's just that sometimes how I wish I could understand myself a bit better. Being a girl, I am an emotional being. I have weird mood swings, I'm happy now, later I'm not. Can be triggered by something, can be not. It's awfully confusing I know; that's the downfall of being a girl. You want something, but you don't know what it is. You're excited and happy then suddenly the weather changes and you can't blame anybody about it so you blame yourself. You're mad at someone and you want to ignore that person but at the same time you want to talk to that person 'cause you care. It's complicated, it's most of the time ironic.

Now that I've given out a picture of a girl's life, now imagine, an artist who's a girl. Double everything mate, double every single thing. Double the mood swings, double the irony. That's why we end up being in the "weird" list. That's why I'm complicated, that's why I can't handle myself at times as well.

It's quite hard I may say, even tho I like being a girl, to stand up on my own feet and face the world with my emotional weirdness & ironic thinking. I turn the lights on, I turn it off, turn it on, turn it off, turn it on, turn it off. . . Done that in like 5 seconds before I sleep. I can't decide whether to turn on the lights or not as I sleep. Yes, complicated. I know it's just but a small thing, you know about the light switch, just imagine, what I do, how I feel, how I go crazy with the big things.

Yet despite everything, I still get to stand on my own feet. I find it quite amazing how God created artists, especially women in particular, how emotional they can really be, how weird and ironic they can be, and yet when they do their craft, there's just so much beauty in it. Most female artists create arts that are overly detailed, complicated I may say, and enriching in colors and techniques, just like their colorful oh so ironic mood swings.

So when you see me in an insane ironic mood swing, just splash some of your colors of happiness or weirdness, it creates a beautiful canvas. :) Or if you hear me over-complicate situations and arguments, just explain to me in detail, and i mean DETAILS, what I should hear and what I'm doing; I promise it'll untangle any complication and create wonderful insightful finishing touches.

I think that works for other female artists as well. Women can be very complicated and ironic in the outer core, but once you go deeper, deeper across the sea of weirdness and into her heart, the place of her character, you'll see how clean she is with her intentions and find out that most of the things she does, she does because she cares, she loves, she wants to understand. You'll find out how soft, pure and sweet she can really be. :) So don't give up. ;) Women are complicated, especially the female artists, but once you get to her heart, you'd understand more. Add to that, you'll see how you really can't judge a book by its cover. :)